CAC SAFE Initiative to Impact Organisations Globally

CAC SAFE is our Child Safeguarding Education Program, the only global child protection program that works on five levels: Child, Coach, Organization, Community and Social Media SAFE.

CAC’s Impact Team delivered our SAFE resource to 96 partners; That is 4,253 youth leaders, educators and coaches across the world working with over 1.4 million children.

Our CAC Impact and Instruct Team delivered two aspects of CAC SAFE in February: Coach SAFE and Organization SAFE.  Our team of experts worked with 96 of our partner organizations to create, review, or revise their organizational child protection policies as well as developing and training their coaches in best SAFE practices.  Coaches Across Continents wants to ensure a culture of child protection in all of our partner organizations in order to protect the 2.7+ million children that engage in Purposeful Play and Education Outside the Classroom programming.

Throughout 2021 our partner organizations will have the opportunity to go through the other three levels of SAFE including Child, Community, and Social Media SAFE.

Effective Safeguarding empowers children to know their rights, educates coaches to create ‘safe spaces’, influences all levels of the organization, and engages communities.

To learn more about our SAFE program please click here.

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