Women and Climate Initiative With the Swedish Postcode Foundation

  • Coaches Across Continents is delighted to announce a new partnership with the Swedish Postcode Foundation (SPF) that addresses the effects of climate change on women and girls globally. The project is supported with 2,170,000 SEK (200,000 USD) and is carried out until April 2024. 

Coaches Across Continents’ Choice For Women brand is delighted to announce a new partnership with the Swedish Postcode Foundation. The Swedish Postcode support non-governmental organisations in Sweden and internationally that foster positive social impact or search for long-term solutions to global challenges.

Our collaborative Women and Climate initiative will seek to address the global climate crisis and the disproportionate effects it has on women. This project will enable those who are most impacted by climate change in countries of low income to mobilize themselves and their communities by placing tools and funds into the hands of local, women-led programs and leaders. It will activate women-led organisations and female leaders to ‘Act’ on Climate Change, and the gender-specific issues it brings, in their community through comprehensive play-based training, curriculum, & resources.

“Climate change disproportionately affects women and young girls. To invest in female leaders and give them the right tools to max their potential to lead their local communities in climate work is a must. We are proud to support Coaches Across Continents who uses the exciting form of comprehensive play-based training to do just that!” says Marie Dahllöf, Secretary General of the Swedish Postcode Foundation.

Choice For Women, with the help of an expert panel, will select 10 women-led community partners from our global network to receive curriculum, training, year-round resources, and funding starting in January 2023. These partners will use play-based programming to address gender-related climate issues over the course of 16 months. Each of the 10 selected partners will also nominate a female Active Citizen to deliver a project that impacts a climate-related gender issue they are passionate about within their community.

Throughout the project, Choice For Women will provide resources, strategies, and bespoke consultancy to each of the programs and Active Citizens to support their delivery, organisation, and long-term sustainability. We will measure the impact against key UN SDGs including 4 (Quality Education), 5 (Gender Equality), and 13 (Climate Action).

Choice For Women is a specialized women-led organization working within Coaches Across Continents that aims to equip girls and women with the tools to become global Active Citizens, achieve UN SDG 5.1, and create a more gender-equal world.

The Swedish Postcode Foundation aims to encourage sustainable development by supporting NGOs in Sweden and internationally that foster positive social impact or search for long-term solutions to global challenges.

For all inquiries regarding this project, please contact lou@coachesacrosscontinents.org.

Downloadable press release


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